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Best Social Media Marketing Tools

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Social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. To navigate the complex landscape of social media marketing effectively, leveraging the right tools is essential. Social media marketing tools not only streamline the process of managing multiple social accounts but also enhance the efficiency of content creation, scheduling, and performance tracking.

Choosing the right social media marketing tool can significantly impact the success of your marketing campaigns. The right tool can save you time, improve your social media strategy, and ultimately lead to better engagement and results. With a plethora of options available, it’s crucial to identify a tool that aligns with your business needs, budget, and marketing goals.

In this article “Best Social Media Marketing Tools”, we’ll explore some of the top social media marketing tools, evaluating their features, strengths, and unique selling points. Our focus keyword, “Social Media Marketing Tools,” will guide us as we delve into the functionalities that make each tool stand out, helping you make an informed decision on which tool is best for your business.

Table of Contents

Content Creation & Scheduling

A detailed comparison of content creation and scheduling features across popular social media marketing tools:

Content Creation & Scheduling Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • Post Creation: Hootsuite provides a robust post composer that supports text, images, videos, and links. Users can preview how posts will look on each social network.
  • Image Editing: Includes a built-in image editor with basic editing tools like cropping, filters, and overlays.
  • Content Calendar: Offers a visual content calendar where users can drag and drop posts to reschedule them easily.
  • Scheduling: Allows users to schedule posts in advance across multiple platforms. It supports bulk scheduling and has an auto-scheduling feature to post at optimal times.

2. Buffer

  • Post Creation: Simple and straightforward post creation interface. Supports text, images, and videos with previews for each social network.
  • Image Editing: Basic image editing tools are available, including cropping and resizing. Integration with tools like Pablo for more advanced editing.
  • Content Calendar: Visual calendar view for planning and scheduling content. Easy drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Scheduling: Offers customizable scheduling options, including optimal timing suggestions. Supports bulk scheduling and queue management.

3. Sprout Social

  • Post Creation: Comprehensive post creation tools with support for multimedia content. Users can tailor messages for each social platform.
  • Image Editing: Advanced image editing capabilities, including cropping, resizing, and adding text overlays.
  • Content Calendar: Interactive calendar that provides a holistic view of all scheduled content. Supports easy rescheduling via drag-and-drop.
  • Scheduling: Flexible scheduling options, including custom time slots and optimal send times based on engagement analytics. Supports bulk scheduling and queue management.

4. Later

  • Post Creation: Focuses heavily on visual content, particularly Instagram. Allows users to upload and organize photos and videos.
  • Image Editing: Robust image editor with features tailored for Instagram, including cropping, filters, and text overlays.
  • Content Calendar: Visual drag-and-drop calendar with a focus on visual planning. Users can see a preview of their Instagram feed.
  • Scheduling: Allows scheduling of posts for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Supports auto-publishing for Instagram and provides best time suggestions.

5. CoSchedule

  • Post Creation: Integrated content creation tools with support for various media types. Users can create, preview, and edit posts directly within the platform.
  • Image Editing: Basic image editing tools available. More advanced editing requires integration with third-party tools.
  • Content Calendar: Advanced content calendar that integrates with other marketing activities (blogs, emails). Offers a unified view of all scheduled content.
  • Scheduling: Powerful scheduling options with ReQueue feature to automatically fill gaps in the posting schedule. Supports bulk scheduling and optimal timing.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Post Creation: Simplified post creation interface focused on content categories. Supports text, image, and link posts.
  • Image Editing: Limited in-platform editing. Users may need external tools for advanced edits.
  • Content Calendar: Unique category-based scheduling system where users assign posts to categories and set schedules for each category.
  • Scheduling: Automates content recycling to keep the queue filled. Supports bulk import of posts and schedules based on content categories.

Summary of Key Features:




Sprout Social




Post Creation







Image Editing







Content Calendar

Visual, Drag-Drop

Visual, Drag-Drop

Interactive, Drag-Drop

Visual, Drag-Drop

Advanced, Integrated





Flexible, Analytics-based


ReQueue, Bulk

Automated Recycling

When choosing a social media marketing tool for content creation and scheduling, consider your specific needs:

  • For robust image editing and advanced scheduling: Sprout Social and Later are excellent choices.
  • For simplicity and ease of use: Buffer and MeetEdgar offer straightforward interfaces and scheduling options.
  • For comprehensive content management: Hootsuite and CoSchedule provide advanced features, including visual content calendars and bulk scheduling.

By evaluating these features, you can select the tool that best fits your social media marketing strategy.

Social Listening & Analytics

A detailed analysis of how various social media marketing tools handle social listening and analytics, focusing on tracking brand mentions, measuring engagement, and providing audience insights.

Social Listening & Analytics Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • Social Listening: Hootsuite offers comprehensive social listening features that allow users to track brand mentions, keywords, hashtags, and competitors across various social networks. Custom streams can be created to monitor specific topics or accounts.
  • Engagement Measurement: Provides detailed engagement metrics, including likes, shares, comments, and reach. Users can view engagement trends over time and compare performance across different platforms.
  • Audience Insights: Hootsuite Analytics provides in-depth audience insights, including demographic data, follower growth, and audience behavior patterns. Custom reports can be generated to highlight key metrics and insights.

2. Buffer

  • Social Listening: Buffer’s social listening capabilities are more limited compared to some other tools. It focuses primarily on monitoring engagement and interactions with posted content rather than broader brand mentions or competitor tracking.
  • Engagement Measurement: Offers essential engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and clicks. Provides a clean and straightforward interface to track engagement over time.
  • Audience Insights: Buffer Analytics gives basic audience insights, including follower growth and post performance. More advanced insights are available with Buffer’s Analyze product, which offers deeper performance analysis and custom reports.

3. Sprout Social

  • Social Listening: Sprout Social excels in social listening, offering advanced tools to monitor brand mentions, keywords, hashtags, and competitor activities. Users can set up custom queries to track specific conversations and trends.
  • Engagement Measurement: Provides comprehensive engagement metrics, including detailed interaction data for each post. Users can analyze engagement patterns and identify the best-performing content.
  • Audience Insights: Sprout Social’s audience insights include detailed demographic information, follower behavior, and audience segmentation. Custom reports and dashboards allow users to tailor insights to their needs.

4. Later

  • Social Listening: Later focuses more on visual content planning and scheduling, with limited social listening capabilities. It does not offer extensive tracking of brand mentions or competitor analysis.
  • Engagement Measurement: Provides basic engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Users can track performance over time and identify trends.
  • Audience Insights: Later offers basic audience insights, primarily focused on Instagram. Users can view follower growth, audience demographics, and engagement rates.

5. CoSchedule

  • Social Listening: CoSchedule includes some social listening features, allowing users to track mentions and keywords. However, its primary focus is on content organization and scheduling rather than extensive social listening.
  • Engagement Measurement: Provides engagement metrics for each post, including likes, comments, shares, and clicks. Users can view performance trends and optimize their content strategy accordingly.
  • Audience Insights: CoSchedule offers audience insights such as follower growth and engagement patterns. The tool integrates with Google Analytics for more detailed audience data and performance analysis.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Social Listening: MeetEdgar has limited social listening capabilities. It primarily focuses on content scheduling and automation rather than tracking brand mentions or competitor activities.
  • Engagement Measurement: Provides basic engagement metrics, including likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates. Users can see which types of content perform best.
  • Audience Insights: MeetEdgar offers basic audience insights, including follower growth and engagement rates. It is more limited in providing detailed demographic or behavioral data.

When choosing a social media marketing tool for social listening and analytics, consider your specific needs:

  • For advanced social listening and comprehensive analytics: Sprout Social and Hootsuite are the best choices.
  • For straightforward engagement tracking and basic insights: Buffer and Later offer simpler interfaces and essential metrics.
  • For integrated content management with some listening capabilities: CoSchedule provides a balanced approach.
  • For content scheduling with basic metrics: MeetEdgar is a good option.

Community Management

A detailed evaluation of community management features across various social media marketing tools, focusing on inbox management, comment moderation, and customer service functionalities.

Community Management Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • Inbox Management: Hootsuite offers a unified inbox that consolidates messages from multiple social networks, allowing users to manage all their social interactions in one place. It supports tagging and filtering for efficient message management.
  • Comment Moderation: Provides robust comment moderation tools, including the ability to hide, delete, and respond to comments directly from the platform. Users can set up keyword filters to automatically flag inappropriate comments.
  • Customer Service Functionalities: Hootsuite integrates with customer service platforms like Zendesk and Salesforce, enabling seamless ticket creation and management. It also supports assignment of messages to team members for efficient resolution.

2. Buffer

  • Inbox Management: Buffer does not have a dedicated inbox management feature. It focuses more on content scheduling and analytics rather than community management.
  • Comment Moderation: Limited comment moderation capabilities. Users need to manage comments directly on each social platform or use additional tools.
  • Customer Service Functionalities: Buffer lacks built-in customer service functionalities. Users would need to integrate with other customer service tools for more comprehensive management.

3. Sprout Social

  • Inbox Management: Sprout Social offers a Smart Inbox that consolidates messages from all connected social profiles. Users can filter, tag, and prioritize messages for efficient management.
  • Comment Moderation: Advanced comment moderation tools, including the ability to hide, delete, and respond to comments. Users can set up automated rules to manage comments based on keywords or sentiment.
  • Customer Service Functionalities: Integrates with helpdesk and CRM systems like Zendesk and Salesforce. Supports task assignment, custom workflows, and tracking of customer interactions across channels.

4. Later

  • Inbox Management: Later primarily focuses on visual content scheduling and does not offer dedicated inbox management features. Users handle messages directly on social platforms.
  • Comment Moderation: Basic comment management for Instagram, allowing users to respond to comments from the Later dashboard. Limited moderation tools.
  • Customer Service Functionalities: Does not provide built-in customer service functionalities. Users need to rely on other tools for comprehensive customer service management.

5. CoSchedule

  • Inbox Management: CoSchedule does not offer dedicated inbox management. It focuses more on content planning and scheduling.
  • Comment Moderation: Limited comment moderation features. Users manage comments directly on social platforms or with additional tools.
  • Customer Service Functionalities: Lacks built-in customer service functionalities. Integration with other customer service tools is required for comprehensive management.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Inbox Management: MeetEdgar does not provide an inbox management feature. It focuses on content scheduling and automation.
  • Comment Moderation: Limited to no comment moderation capabilities. Users handle comments directly on social platforms.
  • Customer Service Functionalities: Does not offer built-in customer service features. Users need to integrate with other tools for customer service management.

When choosing a social media marketing tool for community management, consider your specific needs:

  • For comprehensive inbox management and advanced comment moderation: Sprout Social and Hootsuite are excellent choices.
  • For basic comment management and a focus on visual content: Later offers limited but useful features.
  • For content scheduling and automation with minimal community management features: Buffer, CoSchedule, and MeetEdgar are more suitable.

Reporting & Performance Tracking:

A detailed comparison of reporting and performance tracking features across various social media marketing tools, focusing on customizable reports, social media ROI tracking, and competitor analysis.

Reporting & Performance Tracking Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • Customizable Reports: Hootsuite offers highly customizable reports with a variety of templates and widgets. Users can create custom dashboards to track specific metrics and export reports in various formats (PDF, Excel).
  • Social Media ROI Tracking: Provides tools to measure ROI by tracking conversions, clicks, and engagement metrics. Integrates with Google Analytics to offer deeper insights into social media’s impact on business goals.
  • Competitor Analysis: Includes features to track competitor activity and compare performance metrics such as follower growth, engagement rates, and content performance. Users can set up streams to monitor competitors’ social media channels.

2. Buffer

  • Customizable Reports: Buffer’s Analyze product offers customizable reports with easy-to-use templates. Users can select specific metrics to include in their reports and schedule regular report generation.
  • Social Media ROI Tracking: Focuses on engagement metrics and link tracking to assess the effectiveness of social media campaigns. Users can integrate with Google Analytics for more comprehensive ROI tracking.
  • Competitor Analysis: Limited competitor analysis features. Users would need to rely on other tools or manual tracking to compare competitor performance.

3. Sprout Social

  • Customizable Reports: Sprout Social excels in customizable reporting, offering a wide range of templates and the ability to create custom reports tailored to specific needs. Reports can be exported in various formats and shared with stakeholders.
  • Social Media ROI Tracking: Provides robust ROI tracking by integrating with Google Analytics and other marketing tools. Users can track conversions, revenue, and other key performance indicators linked to social media activities.
  • Competitor Analysis: Offers comprehensive competitor analysis tools, allowing users to track competitor metrics such as follower growth, engagement rates, and content performance. Users can generate competitor comparison reports to benchmark their performance.

4. Later

  • Customizable Reports: Later offers basic reporting features with some customization options. Users can track key metrics such as follower growth, engagement rates, and post performance, but the customization is limited compared to other tools.
  • Social Media ROI Tracking: Basic ROI tracking focused on engagement metrics and link performance. Does not offer deep integration with analytics tools for comprehensive ROI tracking.
  • Competitor Analysis: Limited competitor analysis capabilities. Users would need to use other tools for detailed competitor tracking and analysis.

5. CoSchedule

  • Customizable Reports: CoSchedule provides customizable reports with the ability to track various performance metrics. Users can create custom dashboards to monitor specific KPIs and export reports in different formats.
  • Social Media ROI Tracking: Integrates with Google Analytics to offer ROI tracking. Users can measure the impact of social media campaigns on website traffic, conversions, and other business goals.
  • Competitor Analysis: Basic competitor analysis features are available. Users can track competitors’ social media activities and compare basic metrics such as follower growth and engagement rates.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Customizable Reports: MeetEdgar provides basic reporting capabilities with limited customization. Users can track metrics such as engagement rates, clicks, and follower growth, but advanced reporting features are limited.
  • Social Media ROI Tracking: Focuses on engagement metrics and link performance. Does not offer comprehensive ROI tracking or deep integration with analytics tools.
  • Competitor Analysis: Lacks built-in competitor analysis features. Users need to rely on other tools for competitor tracking and analysis.

When choosing a social media marketing tool for reporting and performance tracking, consider your specific needs:

  • For comprehensive and highly customizable reports with advanced ROI tracking and competitor analysis: Sprout Social and Hootsuite are excellent choices.
  • For straightforward reporting with basic customization and engagement-focused ROI tracking: Buffer and CoSchedule offer useful features.
  • For basic reporting and performance tracking with limited customization: Later and MeetEdgar provide essential functionalities.

Collaboration & Workflows

A detailed assessment of collaboration and workflow features across various social media marketing tools, focusing on team collaboration, approval workflows, and client management functionalities.

Collaboration & Workflows Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • Team Collaboration: Hootsuite offers robust team collaboration tools, allowing multiple users to work together on social media campaigns. Teams can share access to social accounts, assign tasks, and collaborate on content creation.
  • Approval Workflows: Provides customizable approval workflows where content can be reviewed and approved by team members before being published. This ensures that all content meets brand guidelines and quality standards.
  • Client Management: Hootsuite’s client management features are designed for agencies and businesses managing multiple clients. Users can create separate workspaces for each client, assign specific team members, and manage client permissions.

2. Buffer

  • Team Collaboration: Buffer supports team collaboration with features that allow team members to share access to social accounts, assign roles, and collaborate on content. However, its collaboration features are more basic compared to other tools.
  • Approval Workflows: Offers simple approval workflows where content can be submitted for approval before scheduling. This helps ensure quality control and adherence to brand guidelines.
  • Client Management: Buffer provides basic client management functionalities, allowing agencies to manage multiple client accounts. Each client’s social accounts can be managed separately with assigned team members.

3. Sprout Social

  • Team Collaboration: Sprout Social excels in team collaboration, providing comprehensive tools for team communication, task assignment, and shared calendars. Teams can collaborate on content creation and monitor social interactions together.
  • Approval Workflows: Advanced approval workflows allow for multiple levels of content approval. Users can set up custom approval processes to ensure content is reviewed and approved by the right team members.
  • Client Management: Designed with agencies in mind, Sprout Social offers robust client management features. Users can create separate dashboards for each client, manage permissions, and generate client-specific reports.

4. Later

  • Team Collaboration: Later provides basic team collaboration tools, allowing team members to share access to social accounts and collaborate on content scheduling. Users can assign roles and manage permissions.
  • Approval Workflows: Limited approval workflow features. Content approval processes are more manual and less customizable compared to other tools.
  • Client Management: Later’s client management features are basic, allowing users to manage multiple social accounts but with limited separation between client workspaces.

5. CoSchedule

  • Team Collaboration: CoSchedule offers strong team collaboration tools with shared calendars, task assignment, and project management features. Teams can work together on content creation and scheduling.
  • Approval Workflows: Provides customizable approval workflows, allowing users to set up multi-step content approval processes. This ensures content is reviewed and approved before publication.
  • Client Management: CoSchedule’s client management features are designed for agencies, allowing users to manage multiple client projects separately. Users can assign team members to specific clients and manage permissions.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Team Collaboration: MeetEdgar’s team collaboration features are limited. The tool focuses more on content scheduling and automation rather than team collaboration.
  • Approval Workflows: Does not offer built-in approval workflow features. Content approval processes need to be managed externally.
  • Client Management: Limited client management functionalities. MeetEdgar is more suited for small businesses or individuals managing their own social media accounts.

When choosing a social media marketing tool for collaboration and workflows, consider your specific needs:

  • For comprehensive team collaboration, advanced approval workflows, and robust client management: Sprout Social and Hootsuite are excellent choices.
  • For straightforward collaboration and basic approval workflows: Buffer and CoSchedule offer useful features.
  • For basic collaboration and limited workflow features: Later and MeetEdgar provide essential functionalities.

A detailed analysis of how various social media marketing tools integrate with paid advertising platforms like Facebook Ads and Google Ads.

Paid Advertising Management Comparison

1. Hootsuite

  • Integration with Paid Advertising Platforms: Hootsuite integrates with major advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Google Ads. This allows users to manage both organic and paid content from a single dashboard.
  • Ad Creation and Management: Users can create, manage, and optimize ad campaigns directly within Hootsuite. It provides tools to set up targeting options, budgets, and schedules for ads.
  • Performance Tracking: Hootsuite offers detailed analytics and reporting for ad campaigns, allowing users to track metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. This helps in optimizing ad spend and improving campaign performance.
  • Unique Features: Hootsuite’s integration with paid advertising platforms includes features like audience segmentation, custom audience creation, and A/B testing to enhance ad performance.

2. Buffer

  • Integration with Paid Advertising Platforms: Buffer’s integration with paid advertising platforms is more limited compared to other tools. It primarily focuses on organic content management.
  • Ad Creation and Management: Buffer does not offer built-in tools for creating and managing ads. Users need to use the respective advertising platforms (e.g., Facebook Ads Manager) for ad creation and management.
  • Performance Tracking: Buffer provides basic analytics for organic posts but lacks advanced performance tracking for paid advertising. Users would need to rely on external tools or the native ad platforms for detailed ad performance insights.
  • Unique Features: Buffer’s strength lies in its simplicity and ease of use for organic content, rather than paid advertising management.

3. Sprout Social

  • Integration with Paid Advertising Platforms: Sprout Social integrates with Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads, allowing users to manage paid campaigns alongside organic content.
  • Ad Creation and Management: Users can create and manage ad campaigns directly within Sprout Social. It provides tools for setting up targeting options, budgets, and schedules for ads.
  • Performance Tracking: Sprout Social offers robust analytics and reporting for ad campaigns, tracking metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI. Customizable reports help in assessing and optimizing ad performance.
  • Unique Features: Sprout Social’s ad management features include audience segmentation, custom audience creation, and comprehensive reporting, making it a strong choice for integrated social media marketing.

4. Later

  • Integration with Paid Advertising Platforms: Later does not offer direct integration with paid advertising platforms like Facebook Ads or Google Ads. It focuses primarily on visual content planning and scheduling.
  • Ad Creation and Management: Users need to use the respective advertising platforms (e.g., Facebook Ads Manager) for ad creation and management as Later does not support these functionalities.
  • Performance Tracking: Later provides basic analytics for organic posts but lacks capabilities for tracking paid advertising performance.
  • Unique Features: Later excels in visual content scheduling and Instagram-focused features, but does not cater to paid advertising needs.

5. CoSchedule

  • Integration with Paid Advertising Platforms: CoSchedule integrates with Facebook Ads, allowing users to manage paid campaigns as part of their overall marketing calendar.
  • Ad Creation and Management: Users can create and schedule ads for Facebook within CoSchedule, integrating them into their broader marketing strategy.
  • Performance Tracking: CoSchedule provides analytics and reporting for both organic and paid content, tracking metrics such as impressions, clicks, and engagement. However, detailed ROI tracking for paid campaigns may require integration with Google Analytics.
  • Unique Features: CoSchedule’s integration of paid ads into the marketing calendar helps streamline planning and execution of comprehensive campaigns.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Integration with Paid Advertising Platforms: MeetEdgar does not offer integration with paid advertising platforms. It focuses solely on content scheduling and automation.
  • Ad Creation and Management: Users need to use the respective advertising platforms (e.g., Facebook Ads Manager) for ad creation and management as MeetEdgar does not support these functionalities.
  • Performance Tracking: MeetEdgar provides basic analytics for organic posts but lacks capabilities for tracking paid advertising performance.
  • Unique Features: MeetEdgar is best suited for content scheduling and automation rather than paid advertising management.

Summary of Key Features:








Integration with Paid Ad Platforms





Facebook Ads


Ad Creation & Management





Yes (Facebook)


Performance Tracking







Unique Features

Aduience Segmentation, A/B testing

Focus on simplicity

Custom audience creation, comprehensive reporting

Focus on visual content

Integrated marketing calender

Content scheduling and automation

When choosing a social media marketing tool for paid advertising management, consider your specific needs:

  • For comprehensive ad management, creation, and performance tracking: Hootsuite and Sprout Social are excellent choices.
  • For basic organic content management with limited ad integration: Buffer and CoSchedule offer useful features.
  • For visual content scheduling with no focus on paid ads: Later and MeetEdgar provide essential functionalities.

Pricing & Free Trials

A breakdown of the pricing plans and free trial options for each social media marketing tool discussed:

Pricing & Free Trials Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • Free Plan: Offers a free plan for individuals with basic features, including managing up to 2 social accounts and scheduling up to 5 posts.
  • Professional Plan: $99 per month – includes up to 10 social accounts, unlimited scheduling, and 1 user.
  • Team Plan: $249 per month – includes up to 20 social accounts, unlimited scheduling, 3 users, and team collaboration tools.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing – offers advanced features tailored to the needs of large organizations.
  • Free Trial: 30-day free trial available for Professional and Team plans.

2. Buffer

  • Free Plan: Offers a free plan for individuals with basic features, including managing up to 3 social accounts and scheduling up to 10 posts per account.
  • Essentials Plan: $5 per month per social channel – includes unlimited scheduling, engagement tools, and analytics.
  • Team Plan: $10 per month per social channel – includes all Essentials features plus additional team collaboration tools.
  • Agency Plan: $100 per month for 10 social channels – includes all Team features plus client management tools.
  • Free Trial: 14-day free trial available for all paid plans.

3. Sprout Social

  • Standard Plan: $199 per seat/month – includes 5 social profiles, all-in-one social inbox, publish, schedule, draft and queue posts etc.
  • Professional Plan: $299 per seat/month – includes everything in Standard, plus unlimited social profiles, competitive reports for Instagram, Facebook and X.
  • Advanced Plan: $399 per month – includes everything in Professional, plus message Spike Alerts for increased message activity, enhance by AI Assist, chatbots with automation tools.
  • Enterprise Plan: $750 per month – includes everything in Advanced, plus tailored implementation and onboarding to get teams up and running quickly, professional consulting services, 24/5 prioritized customer support.

4. Later

  • Starter Plan: $16.67 per month – includes 1 social set, 1 user, 30 posts per month per profile, and additional features like analytics.
  • Growth Plan: $30 per month – includes 3 social sets, 3 user, 150 posts per month per profile, and advanced features.
  • Advanced Plan: $53.33 per month – includes 6 social sets, 6 user, unlimited posts, and premium features.
  • Agency Plan: $133.33 per month – includes 15 social sets, 10 user, unlimited posts, and premium features.
  • Free Trial: No free trial, but offers a free plan to start.

5. CoSchedule

  • Free Calendar Free: Free plan with basic marketing calendar features.
  • Social Calendar : $19 per user per month up to 3 users, includes advanced marketing calendar features, integrations, and support.
  • Agency Calendar: $39 per user per month up to 3 users, includes advanced marketing calendar features, integrations, and support.
  • Content Calendar: Custom pricing, up to 5 users, includes advanced marketing calendar features, integrations, and support.
  • Marketing Suite: Custom pricing – includes advanced project management, collaboration, and marketing automation features.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Eddie Annual Plan: $24.91 per month – includes 5 social accounts, unlimited scheduled posts, and basic features.
  • Edgar Annual Plan: $41.58 per month – includes 25 social accounts, unlimited scheduled posts, advanced automation features.
  • Free Trial: 7-day free trial available for Edgar plan.

Summary of Pricing & Free Trials:

When choosing a social media marketing tool based on pricing and free trials:

  • For a robust free plan: Hootsuite, Buffer, and Later offer good options.
  • For mid-level pricing with comprehensive features: Buffer and Later provide affordable plans with essential features.
  • For advanced features and larger budgets: Sprout Social and Hootsuite offer premium plans with extensive capabilities.
  • For agencies: Buffer’s Agency Plan and Hootsuite’s Business and Enterprise Plans provide tailored solutions.
  • For trying before buying: Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, and CoSchedule offer free trials to test their features.

Ease of Use & Interface

An evaluation of the ease of use, user interface, learning curve, and overall user experience for each social media marketing tool:

Ease of Use & Interface Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • User Interface: Hootsuite features a clean, intuitive dashboard with customizable streams for different social accounts and activities. The layout is designed for efficiency, allowing users to view multiple feeds and interact with content directly from the dashboard.
  • Learning Curve: Moderate. While the interface is user-friendly, the wide range of features and customization options may require some time to fully master. Hootsuite offers extensive resources, including tutorials and webinars, to help new users.
  • Overall User Experience: Hootsuite provides a robust experience with powerful tools for managing social media. Its comprehensive feature set is balanced by a slightly steeper learning curve, but users who invest the time will find it highly effective.

2. Buffer

  • User Interface: Buffer boasts a minimalist and straightforward interface. The dashboard is clean and focused, making it easy for users to schedule posts, view analytics, and manage accounts.
  • Learning Curve: Low. Buffer is designed for simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible to users of all experience levels. Most users can get started quickly without extensive training.
  • Overall User Experience: Buffer is praised for its simplicity and ease of use. It is an excellent choice for small businesses and individuals who need straightforward social media management without complex features.

3. Sprout Social

  • User Interface: Sprout Social has a polished, professional interface with a logical layout. The dashboard is designed to streamline workflows, with easy access to analytics, scheduling, and engagement tools.
  • Learning Curve: Moderate. Sprout Social’s interface is user-friendly, but the depth of its features means there is a learning period involved. Sprout Social offers extensive support resources, including live chat support, tutorials, and a knowledge base.
  • Overall User Experience: Sprout Social provides a seamless user experience with a balance of power and usability. It is well-suited for businesses that need comprehensive social media management and are willing to invest time in learning the platform.

4. Later

  • User Interface: Later features a highly visual interface designed primarily for Instagram. The drag-and-drop calendar view makes it easy to schedule and manage posts.
  • Learning Curve: Low to Moderate. Later’s interface is intuitive, especially for visual content. However, users focusing on platforms beyond Instagram may find it less comprehensive. Later provides tutorials and guides to help users get started.
  • Overall User Experience: Later is excellent for users focused on visual content and Instagram marketing. Its user-friendly interface makes it a popular choice for influencers and small businesses.

5. CoSchedule

  • User Interface: CoSchedule offers a user-friendly, drag-and-drop calendar interface. The design is clean and functional, making it easy to plan and organize content.
  • Learning Curve: Moderate. While the interface is intuitive, the wide range of project management features can take time to learn. CoSchedule offers extensive resources, including tutorials and webinars, to assist users.
  • Overall User Experience: CoSchedule provides a strong user experience, particularly for teams managing multiple projects. Its intuitive calendar and project management features make it a great choice for marketing teams.

6. MeetEdgar

  • User Interface: MeetEdgar has a simple, straightforward interface focused on content scheduling and automation. The design is clean, but functionality is more limited compared to other tools.
  • Learning Curve: Low. MeetEdgar is easy to use, with a straightforward setup process and clear instructions. Most users can get started quickly without extensive training.
  • Overall User Experience: MeetEdgar is ideal for users who need simple, automated content scheduling. Its ease of use makes it a good choice for small businesses and individuals focused on content automation.

When choosing a social media marketing tool based on ease of use and interface:

  • For a simple and straightforward experience: Buffer and MeetEdgar are excellent choices.
  • For a balance of power and usability: Sprout Social and Hootsuite offer comprehensive features with a moderate learning curve.
  • For visual content and Instagram-focused users: Later provides an intuitive, visually-oriented interface.
  • For project management and team collaboration: CoSchedule offers a robust, user-friendly experience.


An analysis of how well each social media marketing tool integrates with other marketing platforms, including CRM and email marketing systems.

Integrations Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • CRM Integrations: Hootsuite integrates with popular CRM systems like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and HubSpot. This allows users to connect social interactions with customer data, enhancing customer relationship management.
  • Email Marketing Integrations: Hootsuite integrates with email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor. Users can coordinate social media campaigns with email marketing efforts for a cohesive strategy.
  • Other Integrations: Hootsuite offers a wide range of integrations through its App Directory, including tools for analytics (Google Analytics), customer support (Zendesk), content creation (Canva), and more. This makes it a versatile tool that can connect with various parts of a marketing stack.

2. Buffer

  • CRM Integrations: Buffer offers integrations with CRM platforms like Salesforce and HubSpot through its Buffer Publish product. This enables users to link social media activities with CRM data.
  • Email Marketing Integrations: Buffer integrates with email marketing tools like Mailchimp, allowing users to sync their social and email marketing campaigns.
  • Other Integrations: Buffer supports integrations with various tools via Zapier, including Google Analytics, Slack, and Trello. This helps users streamline workflows and improve productivity by connecting Buffer with other essential tools.

3. Sprout Social

  • CRM Integrations: Sprout Social integrates with leading CRM platforms such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Microsoft Dynamics. This integration helps users manage customer relationships by linking social media interactions with CRM data.
  • Email Marketing Integrations: Sprout Social supports integrations with email marketing platforms like Mailchimp. This allows users to align their social media and email marketing strategies.
  • Other Integrations: Sprout Social offers integrations with various tools, including Google Analytics for performance tracking, Zendesk for customer support, and Bitly for link shortening. These integrations enhance the overall functionality and efficiency of the platform.

4. Later

  • CRM Integrations: Later does not offer direct CRM integrations. Its primary focus is on visual content scheduling and Instagram marketing.
  • Email Marketing Integrations: Later does not have direct integrations with email marketing platforms. Users would need to rely on other tools for this functionality.
  • Other Integrations: Later offers limited integrations compared to other tools. It focuses more on integration with visual content tools like Canva and Unsplash for content creation.

5. CoSchedule

  • CRM Integrations: CoSchedule integrates with CRM platforms like HubSpot, enabling users to manage customer relationships and link social media activities with CRM data.
  • Email Marketing Integrations: CoSchedule supports integrations with email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign. This helps users synchronize their social media and email marketing efforts.
  • Other Integrations: CoSchedule offers integrations with a variety of tools, including Google Analytics for tracking, WordPress for content management, and Trello for project management. These integrations make CoSchedule a comprehensive tool for marketing project management.

6. MeetEdgar

  • CRM Integrations: MeetEdgar does not offer direct CRM integrations. Its focus is on content scheduling and automation rather than customer relationship management.
  • Email Marketing Integrations: MeetEdgar does not provide direct integrations with email marketing platforms. Users would need to use other tools to link email marketing efforts.
  • Other Integrations: MeetEdgar has limited integrations compared to other tools. It is designed primarily for content scheduling and automation.

Summary of Integrations:


CRM Integrations

Email Marketing Integrations

Other Integrations


Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, HubSpot

Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor

Google Analytics, Zendesk, Canva, more


Salesforce, HubSpot


Zapier, Google Analytics, Slack, Trello

Sprout Social

Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics


Google Analytics, Zendesk, Bitly, more




Canva, Unsplash



Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign

Google Analytics, WordPress, Trello





When choosing a social media marketing tool based on integrations:

  • For comprehensive integrations with CRM, email marketing, and other tools: Hootsuite and Sprout Social are excellent choices.
  • For solid integrations with essential tools via Zapier: Buffer provides a versatile range of connections.
  • For project management and email marketing integrations: CoSchedule offers useful connections to enhance marketing workflows.
  • For a focus on visual content with fewer integrations: Later is a suitable option for Instagram-centric strategies.
  • For content scheduling with limited integrations: MeetEdgar provides essential functionality for automation.

Visual Content Creation

A comparison of the built-in graphic design tools or video editing features across various social media marketing tools:

Visual Content Creation Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • Graphic Design Tools: Hootsuite integrates with Canva, allowing users to access Canva’s extensive design tools directly from the Hootsuite dashboard. Users can create, edit, and customize graphics without leaving the platform.
  • Video Editing Features: Hootsuite does not have built-in video editing features. Users would need to use external video editing software and upload the videos to Hootsuite for scheduling and posting.
  • Overall: While Hootsuite excels in integrating with Canva for graphic design, it lacks native video editing capabilities.

2. Buffer

  • Graphic Design Tools: Buffer integrates with Pablo, a simple image creation tool by Buffer. Pablo allows users to create images quickly with text overlays, filters, and basic customization options.
  • Video Editing Features: Buffer does not offer built-in video editing tools. Users need to use third-party video editing software and then upload the videos to Buffer for scheduling.
  • Overall: Buffer offers basic graphic design capabilities through Pablo but lacks advanced design and video editing features.

3. Sprout Social

  • Graphic Design Tools: Sprout Social integrates with various third-party tools like Canva for graphic design, allowing users to create and customize images within the platform.
  • Video Editing Features: Sprout Social does not have built-in video editing capabilities. Users must rely on external tools for video creation and editing.
  • Overall: Sprout Social leverages integrations for graphic design but does not offer native video editing features.

4. Later

  • Graphic Design Tools: Later integrates with Canva, enabling users to design and customize graphics directly within the platform. This integration provides access to Canva’s extensive design library and tools.
  • Video Editing Features: Later does not include built-in video editing tools. Users must use external video editing software and upload videos to Later for scheduling.
  • Overall: Later focuses on visual content, especially for Instagram, and benefits from Canva integration for graphic design but lacks native video editing features.

5. CoSchedule

  • Graphic Design Tools: CoSchedule does not offer built-in graphic design tools. Users typically create graphics using external software like Canva or Adobe Creative Cloud and then upload them to CoSchedule.
  • Video Editing Features: CoSchedule does not have built-in video editing capabilities. Video content must be created and edited with third-party tools before uploading.
  • Overall: CoSchedule does not focus on graphic design or video editing, instead emphasizing project and content management.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Graphic Design Tools: MeetEdgar does not provide built-in graphic design tools. Users need to create visual content using external graphic design software.
  • Video Editing Features: MeetEdgar does not include video editing features. Users must use third-party video editing tools and upload videos to MeetEdgar for scheduling.
  • Overall: MeetEdgar focuses on content scheduling and automation, without built-in graphic design or video editing capabilities.

Summary of Visual Content Creation Tools:


Graphic Design Tools

Video Editing Features

Overall Assessment


Canva integration


Strong graphic design via Canva, no video editing


Pablo integration


Basic graphic design, no video editing

Sprout Social

Canva integration


Strong design via integrations, no video editing


Canva integration


Focus on visual content with Canva, no video editing




No built-in tools for design or video editing




No built-in tools for design or video editing

When choosing a social media marketing tool based on visual content creation capabilities:

  • For strong graphic design features through integrations with Canva: Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Later are excellent choices.
  • For basic graphic design capabilities: Buffer’s Pablo integration provides essential tools for quick image creation.
  • For no built-in graphic design or video editing features: CoSchedule and MeetEdgar focus on other functionalities and require external tools for visual content creation.

Influencer Marketing

An analysis of the functionalities for influencer outreach and campaign management across various social media marketing tools:

Influencer Marketing Comparison


1. Hootsuite

  • Influencer Outreach: Hootsuite does not have built-in influencer outreach tools. However, users can identify and engage with influencers through social listening and monitoring features. Users can track mentions, hashtags, and conversations to find relevant influencers.
  • Campaign Management: Hootsuite allows users to manage campaigns by scheduling posts, monitoring engagement, and analyzing performance. Customizable reports can track the impact of influencer collaborations.
  • Overall: Hootsuite provides robust social listening and analytics tools that can support influencer marketing efforts, but lacks dedicated influencer outreach and management features.

2. Buffer

  • Influencer Outreach: Buffer does not offer dedicated influencer outreach functionalities. Users would need to manually identify and engage with influencers through social media platforms.
  • Campaign Management: Buffer’s strengths lie in content scheduling and analytics. Users can schedule posts and monitor engagement metrics to assess the success of influencer campaigns.
  • Overall: Buffer is useful for managing content and tracking performance but lacks specific tools for influencer outreach and campaign management.

3. Sprout Social

  • Influencer Outreach: Sprout Social includes social listening and monitoring tools that can help identify potential influencers. Users can track keywords, hashtags, and mentions to find influencers relevant to their brand.
  • Campaign Management: Sprout Social provides comprehensive campaign management tools, including content scheduling, engagement tracking, and performance analytics. Users can generate reports to evaluate the success of influencer campaigns.
  • Overall: Sprout Social offers strong social listening and campaign management features that support influencer marketing, although it does not have dedicated influencer outreach tools.

4. Later

  • Influencer Outreach: Later does not offer built-in influencer outreach tools. Users would need to manually identify influencers on platforms like Instagram and engage with them directly.
  • Campaign Management: Later focuses on visual content scheduling and planning, which is useful for managing influencer content. It offers basic analytics to track the performance of influencer posts.
  • Overall: Later is effective for managing and scheduling visual content for influencer campaigns but lacks dedicated outreach and comprehensive campaign management features.

5. CoSchedule

  • Influencer Outreach: CoSchedule does not provide dedicated tools for influencer outreach. Users would need to manually identify and reach out to influencers.
  • Campaign Management: CoSchedule’s marketing calendar and project management features are useful for planning and coordinating influencer campaigns. Users can schedule posts, assign tasks, and track campaign performance.
  • Overall: CoSchedule is strong in project and content management, making it suitable for coordinating influencer campaigns, but it lacks specific influencer outreach functionalities.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Influencer Outreach: MeetEdgar does not offer influencer outreach tools. Its primary focus is on content scheduling and automation.
  • Campaign Management: MeetEdgar provides basic content scheduling and automation features that can be used to manage influencer posts. However, it lacks advanced campaign management and analytics tools.
  • Overall: MeetEdgar is useful for automating content posting but is limited in terms of influencer outreach and comprehensive campaign management.

Summary of Influencer Marketing Functionalities:


Influencer Outreach

Campaign Management

Overall Assessment


Social listening for influencer identification

Post scheduling, engagement monitoring, performance analytics

Robust analytics, no dedicated outreach tools



Content scheduling, engagement tracking

Good for content management, lacks outreach tools

Sprout Social

Social listening for influencer identification

Comprehensive campaign management, performance analytics

Strong support for influencer marketing, no dedicated outreach tools



Visual content scheduling, basic analytics

Effective for visual content, lacks outreach tools



Project management, content scheduling, performance tracking

Strong project management, no outreach tools



Content scheduling, automation

Limited to content automation, lacks outreach and management tools

When choosing a social media marketing tool for influencer marketing:

  • For strong support with social listening and campaign management: Sprout Social and Hootsuite are excellent choices.
  • For robust content scheduling and basic campaign tracking: Buffer and Later offer useful features.
  • For project management and content coordination: CoSchedule provides strong project management capabilities.

Unique Selling Points (USPs)

A summary highlighting the unique selling points (USPs) that set each social media marketing tool apart from the competition:

Unique Selling Points (USPs)


1. Hootsuite

  • Integration with Canva: Allows users to create and edit graphics directly within the Hootsuite platform.
  • Comprehensive Social Listening: Advanced social listening capabilities help track mentions, keywords, hashtags, and competitors.
  • Wide Range of Integrations: Extensive App Directory that includes integrations with CRM, email marketing, customer support, and more.
  • Customizable Reports: Highly customizable reporting with a variety of templates and export options.
  • Team Collaboration and Approval Workflows: Robust features for team collaboration and content approval workflows, ideal for large teams and agencies.

2. Buffer

  • Pablo Integration: Simple image creation tool for quick and easy social media graphics.
  • Simplicity and Ease of Use: User-friendly interface with a low learning curve, making it accessible for beginners.
  • Affordable Pricing: Competitive pricing plans that are budget-friendly, especially for small businesses and individuals.
  • Buffer Analyze: A separate product for in-depth performance analysis and reporting, providing deeper insights.

3. Sprout Social

  • Smart Inbox: Consolidated inbox for managing messages from all social profiles, enhancing team communication.
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Comprehensive analytics with customizable reports and in-depth performance metrics.
  • Social CRM: Integration with leading CRM platforms and tools for managing customer relationships through social media.
  • Robust Team Collaboration: Features like task assignment, custom workflows, and extensive support resources make it ideal for team-based social media management.

4. Later

  • Visual Content Planning: Focus on visual content with a drag-and-drop calendar and Instagram feed preview.
  • Instagram-Centric Features: Advanced features tailored for Instagram, including auto-publishing and best time suggestions.
  • Canva Integration: Direct integration with Canva for graphic design, enhancing visual content creation capabilities.
  • Affordable and Flexible Plans: Offers a free plan and affordable paid plans that cater to small businesses and influencers.

5. CoSchedule

  • Marketing Calendar: Comprehensive marketing calendar that integrates social media, blog posts, and other marketing activities.
  • ReQueue: Feature that automatically fills gaps in your posting schedule with your best-performing content.
  • Project Management: Strong project and task management features that help streamline marketing campaigns.
  • Integration with Various Platforms: Integrates with WordPress, Google Analytics, Trello, and other marketing tools.

6. MeetEdgar

  • Content Recycling: Unique content recycling feature that automatically repurposes and reposts evergreen content.
  • Automation Focus: Emphasis on automating content scheduling and posting, saving time for users.
  • Simple Interface: Easy-to-use interface with a low learning curve, suitable for small businesses and solopreneurs.
  • Category-Based Scheduling: Allows users to organize posts into categories for more strategic scheduling.

Summary of Unique Selling Points:

ToolUnique Selling Points
HootsuiteCanva integration, comprehensive social listening, wide range of integrations, customizable reports, robust team collaboration and workflows
BufferPablo integration, simplicity and ease of use, affordable pricing, Buffer Analyze for in-depth analysis
Sprout SocialSmart Inbox, advanced analytics and reporting, social CRM, robust team collaboration
LaterVisual content planning, Instagram-centric features, Canva integration, affordable and flexible plans
CoScheduleMarketing calendar, ReQueue for content recycling, strong project management, integration with various platforms
MeetEdgarContent recycling, automation focus, simple interface, category-based scheduling

Each social media marketing tool has unique features that set it apart:

  • For comprehensive integrations and advanced features: Hootsuite and Sprout Social stand out.
  • For simplicity and affordability: Buffer and MeetEdgar are excellent choices.
  • For visual content planning and Instagram focus: Later excels in this area.
  • For project and content management: CoSchedule offers unique tools to streamline marketing workflows.


Selecting the right social media marketing tool can be a game-changer for your business. With the right tool, you can streamline your social media management, enhance your content creation, engage with your audience more effectively, and track the performance of your campaigns with precision. Whether you’re a small business owner looking for simplicity and affordability, or a large enterprise in need of advanced features and comprehensive integrations, there’s a social media marketing tool tailored to meet your needs.

Hootsuite and Sprout Social stand out with their robust feature sets and extensive integrations, making them ideal for businesses that require advanced functionalities and team collaboration. Buffer and MeetEdgar are excellent choices for those seeking simplicity and automation, while Later excels in visual content planning, particularly for Instagram-centric strategies. CoSchedule offers powerful project and content management capabilities, making it a great fit for marketing teams managing complex campaigns.

Ultimately, the best social media marketing tool for your business will depend on your specific goals, budget, and the unique requirements of your social media strategy. By carefully considering the features and benefits of each tool, you can choose the one that will help you maximize your social media presence and achieve your marketing objectives.

Explore these tools, take advantage of free trials, and find the perfect fit that will propel your social media marketing efforts to new heights. With the right tool in your arsenal, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic world of social media marketing and drive success for your brand.

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